The Shazam QuickCHECK card makes it easier and more convenient to make purchases wherever MasterCard is accepted. The QuickCHECK card allows you to make purchases and make ATM withdrawals. When you use the QuickCHECK card you will be given a receipt; the funds will be deducted from your account; and the transaction will be on your monthly statement. It looks like a credit card but works like a check, only faster. Simply fill out the Shazam QuickCheck application and return it to us.
Lost Debit Card
In the event that your debit card is lost or stolen, please contact Bank of Gibson City at (217) 784-4233. If after hours please contact Shazam at 1-800-383-8000.
Our ATMs are located onsite at Bank of Gibson City.
In addition, our customers may use
the following ATMs with no charge:

Chrisman, IL
Intersection of Route 1 & 36
(ATM owned by Longview Bank)

Marshall, IL
Kiosk- 1604 IL-1, Marshall, IL 62441
(ATM owned by Longview Bank)

Paris, IL
Kiosk at Pool’s True Value Parking Lot
(ATM owned by Longview Bank)

Tilton, IL
Kiosk- 2101 Georgetown Rd. Tilton, IL 61833
(ATM owned by Longview Bank)
Gibson City, IL
Onsite at Bank of Gibson City
(ATM owned by Bank of Gibson City)
Chestnut, IL
Onsite at Longview Community Bank
(ATM owned by Longview Community Bank)
Mt. Pulaski, IL
Onsite at Longview Community Bank
(ATM owned by Longview Community Bank)
Privileged Status® Program
We are pleased to announce that you can now enjoy expanded ATM access with no surcharge fees!
The Privileged Status® program is a group of independent, community financial institutions, which provide you with a no-surcharge guarantee.
How do you benefit? It is easy! Now, in addition to looking for the familiar SHAZAM logo, look for the Privileged Status logo. If the Privileged Status logo appears on the ATM, you will not pay a surcharge fee to complete your transaction at that machine.
Currently, there are thousands of Privileged Status ATMs available to you. We’re pleased to provide you this value-added service. Consider it another way for us to express our appreciation for your business.
The number of Privileged Status locations is constantly growing. If you would like a directory of these ATM locations, visit the SHAZAM ATM Locator or call us.
It is our privilege to serve you with the Privileged Status® program.